This is exactly where we're at. If anyone pays attention to environmental news, the key word went from "sustainability" to prevent climate change to "resiliency" to protect from its effects.
Now we're using "adaptability" and "accomodation" since we're finally realizing that a) we're way past the point of no return and b) the effects of climate change will be bigger than any response or preparation we can muster.
It's a political bait and switch, using semantics to try and keep ahead of the public's realization that they were duped for decades, while simultanously training the public to accept the reality of climate change without pointing the blame at our elected officials.
I wrote a quick article about the insanity of watering the desert in the Southwest, and how its coming back to bite us and the millions who live there. The responses to that story mostly echo what I wrote above, meaning people are finally realizing that the truth that decades of climate denial have left us with a very precarious future.